Himax Ointment


Miticidal, Antifungal, Antiseptic, Anti-inflammatory and Fly Repellent Skin ointment.

SKU: himax-ointment Category:


Miticidal, Antifungal, Antiseptic, Anti-inflammatory and Fly Repellent Skin ointment.
Skin lesions are produced by a variety of agents including external irritants, burns, allergents, trauma and viral, bacterial, parasitic or fungal infections. These necessitate an empirical therapy with broad-spectrum agents. Usually, a topical application is preferred for treatment of such conditions.
Himax is a broad-spectrum dermatological, effective is a wide variety of skin affections. It does not produce local tissue irritation, allergic reaction or topical toxicity. Himax is available as ointment for general use, as lotion for deep seated and maggotted wounds as well as widespread skin affections and as Himax-D which is fragrant and non staining for pets.


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