Calcimust Pet Syrup (200 ml)


Indication / Uses:
Important for the development of bones and muscles (Stunned growth)
Boosts immunity and improves vision (night blindness)
Improves metabolism and promotes growth (pregnancy and reduced weight)
Prevents osteoporosis and osteomalacia in senior / geriatric dogs
Prevents rickets in young growing puppies and makes bones, muscles stronger

SKU: cal Categories: ,


Nutritional Information
Up to 4 kg Bodyweight – 2.5 ml or ½ tsp twice daily
5 – 15 kg Bodyweight – 5.0 ml or 1tsp twice daily
16-25 kg Bodyweight – 7.5 ml or 1.5 tsp twice daily
26-50 kg Bodyweight – 10 ml or 2 tsp twice daily
Above 51 kg Bodyweight – 15 ml or 2 tsp twice daily or as directed by a veterinarian


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